October 26, 2011
For those of you who cannot believe I went back to class last night, I'm right there with you. Just for information's sake, last week we were placed in different groups and told to alternate bringing food every class. The group that had last night brought frozen chicken enchiladas cooked in the microwave and a crock-pot of chili. None of which I could eat because I don't eat meat. Good thing I packed a salad. My good friend Andy is also a vegetarian, so we look out for each other. Our assignment this week was to read a case study and do a case report. Some of us got a case study about a 70 year old wrinkly woman who had been in therapy for 20+ years. About 8 years ago, she had an affair with her therapist, who was 40 years her junior. Gross. It was so gross in fact (for the therapist), that he cut her off from his mojo after 27 days. For the next 8 years, she had been obsessing over this guy. The study goes into graphic and gory detail just how far her obsession took her. Anyway, we were to write a case report of what the root of this crazy's problem was and how we would help her. Of course, all this was to be done with no instruction whatsoever, because, if you remember from my last blog, NONE WAS GIVEN. I muddled through. We had to email the case report to our professor before Sunday and he was going to give us back the grades (i.e. papers covered in red ink) before we had to do the next case report assignment (due next week). Of course, being the responsible prof that he is, he informed us last night that he hadn't got around to grading them and it would be Thursday or after before he gets them to us. Now, none of us will even know if we did the first one correctly until after it's time to turn the second one in. Such incompetence! This great annoyance set the tone for me for the rest of last night's excruciating class. But wait....that's only the beginning. Our second assignment--a fun demonstration through a YouTube clip, cartoon or short story--of defense mechanisms. I worked hard on this actually. I found a great little cartoon online, researched some pretty rare defense mechanisms and arranged it in a nice little package. Everyone in the class was given the opportunity to present their defense mechanisms. I have to say, other than a couple, they mostly fell short of what I had prepared. Throughout the presentations, fat-n-happy Santa Claus kept asking who had not yet presented their show and tell. I mentioned that I hadn't a couple of times and was completely ignored. Finally, the assistant director of the program spoke up and said "Daisy hasn't shown her cartoon yet." She was ignored. I was getting a little peeved at this point. I already had a feeling Fat-n-Happy had it out for me, but this was a little conspicuous. Even other people were starting to notice. Even ADHD said something. Of course, she talked all night long so it was no wonder no one paid attention to her reminder. After class, I took a hard copy of my presentation and laid it on his desk so he would at least have documentation that I had completed it. As I was walking back to my desk to pick up my things, me and my friend watched as Fat-n-Happy picked up my presentation from his desk and crumpled it into a ball and threw it in the trash without so much as a glance. Have you ever felt the urge to beat someone's brains in and cry at the same time? Okay, I know it's a little Drama Queen, but that's what I felt. So much work, so little time to trash it. What a jackass. I was seeing orange on the color spectrum, well on my way to red. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, but before I did, I couldn't resist one last attempt. Now, in keeping with our defense mechanism theme, I agree this was a little passive-aggressive. I turned to Fat-n-Happy and said "Did you get my presentation I left on your desk?" Knowing full well that he had already thrown it away. To my shock (sort of), he said "Yes." I just turned and walked out the door. I think there was some a-little-too-loud "jackass" remarks as I walked out of the building with my friend Andy and went to my car. Oh what I would have given for a couple of valium. I was stressed/mad/upset all the way home. The sad thing is, I wasn't that upset that he didn't show my presentation or that he threw it away or lied to my face about throwing it away. I was the most upset that I had let Fat-n-Happy affect me like that. Don't you just hate when you let someone into your brain like that. It's not the first time, and most assuredly, it won't be the last. Another case report for next week. Fat-n-Happy setting us all up to be failures and laughing about it all the way back to the north pole.
P.S.--City/State guy wore Minnesota
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